Sunday, November 20, 2022

Prayers being answered


This picture shows it all. We go to treat medical problems but also to pray for spiritual needs.  This man needed prayer more than anything. And we provide prayer, together. 

God is answering our prayers for our medical team. We are starting to get a team together and with your prayers, we will have more nurses to build our team. I know this is where God wants us, but it is on his terms, not ours.

So please continue to pray for our team. For God's lead in our medical clinics, but also with our construction plans and our other ministries. We are His hands and feet, salt and light. 

Psalm 100:4; "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."


Sunday, November 6, 2022

2023 plans!


I can't believe it. We are already starting our plans now for 2023! We just got back, but there is never any time off. We want it all to be successful and with that, we must plan.
Looks like our trip will be in March this year. I am glad because it won't be as rainy or as hot. 
I won't be able to go both weeks this year. It was a hard decision but hopefully I will have some nurses help out and we can have clinics both weeks!
God will be directing our plans and he will guide our team to those that need him.

So, we will be having a informational meeting on 11/14 along with our partners in Honduras to talk about the success of the Ruben House and what great things are happening there. 
I you want more information, please private message me and I will send it to you.

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


Saturday, September 10, 2022

Journal entry 18 Monday 7/25/22

Tela Team

LaCampa Team

Time to come home. Again, it is hard to say goodbye. Long goodbyes at the airport are not easy. Especially saying goodbye to our family there; Meily, Luis, Kenia, Greg, Jean, Franklin and his family. The tears come easy. 
But we made it safe and sound. Travel day is always a long day. And the airports do not make it easy. 

So until next time, stay safe, continue to pray for Honduras and for healing. I will continue to keep updates posted through out the year on our team and our next trip!

But those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.    Isaiah 40:31


Journal entry 17: Sunday 7/24/22


Our last full day here. Sad but happy to be able to go home too. It has been a long 17 days. 
Today at church, we had service at the hotel. The discussion was on Jacob and how he wrestled with God. How God was the "man" in the story but Jacob didn't know it. And how God became man to show Jacob and teach him. God touched his hip so he left Jacob with a reminder of that night. After that night, Jacob walked with a limp. Our pastor raised a question: How many times have you dared to wrestle with God and God has "touched" you to leave you a reminder?" Those weaknesses only prove to us that God uses us in our weakness. God changed Jacob's name to Israel and he was the father of the 12 tribes; God blessed him. As he blesses us.

After church, some of us went shopping but I stayed back to pack since we are leaving tomorrow. Thank goodness. I was able to get it all into one suitcase! I was pretty shocked I could do it despite the extra stuff I am brining home! Once everyone was back, we went to lunch in Tela at Tela Marina. It is owned by the previous owners of the place we used to stay at in the past visits. We toured the aquarium and the research they are doing for the shore preservation. pretty amazing!

Now time for a siesta before dinner!

Genesis 32: 24-28

So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.”
But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”
The man asked him, “What is your name?”
“Jacob,” he answered.
Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel,[a] because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”



Monday, September 5, 2022

Journal entry 16; Saturday 7/23/22


Today marks the 9 year anniversary of my last chemo treatment! No matter how I want to forget this part in my life, I cannot. This is an event that helped make me stronger and a survivor. So I will never forget!

Today, us ladies got to go help the guys on the construction site. It was HOT!. And even though we were only there for about 1 1/2 hours, it was hard work. They did all the climbing. We did all the small stuff, things that needed to be done but with things we could help with. Mostly picking up the nails and scrap wood off the floor and moving the scrap metal.  We did have our first and only injury. Thank goodness the medical clinic staff were there!! haha. I cleaned and but a bandage on it. This lasted about 15 minutes before he took it off and put a bandaid on it! Tough guy.

For lunch, Franklin has us over again to his house. He is so welcoming and brings us into his family. We had conch soup made by Ana. It was delicious.  Also had some fried chicken. delicious. We had everyone around the table, all 20 something of us. One big family. And Yoly made us tre leche cake. OMG, it was amazing. So good. 

We had church tonight at Franklins church. The walls and roof completed. His church is growing and he is being so blessed!

Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.


Journal entry 15: 7/22/22


We had our last children's ministry today. It was a big one. About 100 kids. There were some wise crack boys that just reminded me that there is always those jokers in every kid group. They were so funny, making faces, cracking jokes, just having fun. When we split the group up and half were to go back to their class, and the other half stay with us, they tried to sneak with us and not go back to class! It was too funny when they got caught. The teachers made us coffee (the drink of choice in Honduras!) and some sugar donuts. Homemade! They were delicious. Sometimes we are on the receiving end of some yummy treats. 
We also got to meet the principal of the school. She is amazing. And so smart. She seems like a good teacher and leader for the kids. She took the time to talk with us and explain about the history of her school. 

They had a cool tree in their courtyard. I don't know what it is but it seems like I am so fascinated by strange looking trees. I think my friend Tammy has gotten me more in-tuned with nature and looking at our amazing world. These trees grow and survive in strange shapes. This shows to me that we are all different but just as important. 

Afterwards, we had some free time, and maybe a little nap tucked in there. While us ladies were spending some down time, the guys were working hard on the church. They got the trusses up on the roof with the help of a big crane! They were able to find someone with a crane and bring it to the work site to help get them up on the roof. This saved so much time and it was pretty exciting to see the crane on the street! Hopefully the roof will get finished tomorrow!

“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Journal entry 14: 7/21/22


Today was the last clinic. We were at Las Palmas. I didn't see Valentina today. I am not sure if she is still here. I pray she is doing ok. but I did meet some great people!
Maria was one of them. She is 88 yo and she told us her story. It is pretty amazing the things she has overcome. Let me tell you her story.
Maria said that her dad wanted a boy when she was born. When he found out that she wasn't a boy, he told the nurse to just throw her away.  I couldn't imagine knowing my dad didn't want me. How when he died, he didn't' leave her anything, only to her brothers. Her brothers kicked her out of the house and she had no where to go. Then she met a man and they had 10 kids!!!  She said with one of her deliveries, she had to deliver by herself! Then she said once the baby was born, she went to and got a machete and cut the cord. She then got her baby settled then went out to milk the cow! I couldn't imagine having to do this alone!

Another man was a farmer and talking about his work and how proud he was of his farm. Turns out this man was the son of Maria! She raised her kids good. 

another lady was pregnant and had her 2 kids with her, a daughter and a son. When asked what they wanted, a brother or sister, they both said they wanted the opposite of sex of what they were. Mom said it was because they both had their own room and they didn't want to share it!

We saw 131 people at the clinic. While I heard so many wonderful stories, I also hear the not so wonderful and the stories that you can only see in their eyes they do not want to tell. I just pray for them and hope God can work through me to help them with my words and actions.

Colossians 3:17; And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


Sunday, August 28, 2022

Journal entry 13: 7/20/22

We had children's ministry today. These are always so much fun! We arrived at the school and guess what? No one was there!! They had closed the school for 2 weeks due to covid, that morning.  So what do you do when this happens? We just go to another school! We only had 27 kids but we had a fun filled classroom!

Franklin and Querin led the music before we started. And we did it up right! We had the microphones, speakers and guitars! That's how you do it! We told our story and then onto the butterfly craft. That is always fun. but the best part is the games!! It was so nice of the teachers to let us disrupt their class today because they were planning the celebration for lemperia. This is a Honduran celebration with parades to celebrate the founders of Honduras. They were making Indian hats in class. Looked liked what we do at Thanksgiving time with pilgrim costumes. 

When we got back to base camp, some went to Las Palmas to show the Jesus film. I did not go and kinda glad I didn't. When the film was almost over, the heavens opened up with a downpour! Everyone was soaked. 

BTW: my leg looks better. but it is still red from the spider bite.

Matthew 5:16

"In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven."


Journal entry 12: 7/19/22


Today we had clinic at the San Juan Mission church. We saw 88 people today! It was good to work with Ana and Delmi today. Pastor Cesar was there to help too, but I think he was the entertainment! I am sure he enjoys getting to be out with the people in his community. He is a lawyer by trade but is called to minister. He is so excited and it shows in his smile and laughter. Rosa showed up! She is the young lady we met the day before on our prayer walk. She was able to assist Dr. Kevin at his clinic table. She came before her shift at the hospital. So she did double duty! She sent me whats app text saying "don't forget me". Please keep her in your prayers.
We had a lot of kids. It always seems crazy with kids running around while we are working, but it doesn't feel that way. So this is how it shows up and has 3-5 registration papers. I ask where the kids are and then she starts to yell their name. They all coming running. I examine them, then they say, "can we go?" So I better get it all done before, because they aren't coming back!
This clinic I had more teenagers than the others. I had to do a lot of education with them. You know, the girl kind of education. I won't go into the details!!

Then when we got back, I was outside talking with the family and I get a bug bite. I think I attract bugs. I am sure I have handed this trait onto my kids! But this bug bite HURT! and it swelled! I think it was a spider bite. So what do I do? What any nurse would. I take my fat, black sharpie and circle it an mark it. Then slather it in bug bite cream and hydrocortisone. Then worry all night that it is infected or worse!

Well, as you can tell I survived. I am still here, leg intact. 

Proverbs 19:17
"Those who are gracious to the poor lend to the Lord, and the Lord will fully repay them."


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Journal entry 11: devotion 7/19/22

"Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun, like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now." Mr. Rogers.

My devotion is out of Philippians today. Chapter 2: 3-11

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature[a] God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death—
        even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
    and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Vs 3, Paul tells us to do nothing out of selfish ambition, but to have humility and value others above yourself. Then down in vs 5-11, he talks about our relationships with one another, to have the same mindset as Jesus.

Some points we should take away about Jesus from this passage:
- He didn't put himself above God
- He took on the nature of a servant
- He humbled himself
- He was obedient to death

And did you see what God did?
- Jesus was exalted
- He was given the name above all names
- Every tongue will acknowledge Jesus is Lord

God will bless us too!
Sometimes we don't see our blessings. It could be that our blessings may be something difficult and we will not see it until we have been through it. Until we pass to the other side of it.
But we can't let that discourage us. We must move forward. Encouraging each other in love as Jesus did. It could be a word, a hug, or a note of love (as Wendy did with her note to Luis! or with meeting Rosa on our prayer walk and seeing her contagious smile).

And finally Paul says in chapter 4 vs 1; "Therefore, my brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, dear friends!"
Did you see this? Read it again.  STAND FIRM IN THE LORD.

Read the words of this song, and if you would like to listen to it, go to Awaken Worship; song is Here and now from the Broke the Grave CD.

"Lord let Your Kingdom come
Let Your will be done
Here and now on earth
As in Heaven

God let revival come
Let Your Church be one
Here and now on earth
As in Heaven as in Heaven

Every nation
Every tribe and tongue confess
Holy Spirit
Bring revival to what's dead
Fire fall down
Fill this place with heaven’s breath
Holy Spirit
Bring revival to this land"


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Journal entry 10: Monday 7/18/22

Today was a great day! We went on our prayer walks in 2 different locations. The first one was in Quevrada de Arena. We talked to a lot of people. It is amazing how open and accepting everyone is here vs what I am used to at home. If I was to walk in a neighborhood to invite them to church or talk to them, I would either get no one answering the door, or get shut down at the start. Here, everyone we encountered wanted to talk. To just have a conversation. And that is what we did. If it went to something more, then we would pray over them or just give them a hug. that is what happened at one of the homes. 

We met a lady named Judy. She just asked us to pray for her family. Daniella was a young girl that was the nanny at this home. Silvia is battling depression. She is alone with her kids. Maria, who runs the small pupiria in the neighborhood. And then we met Nickolas. He knew a small, and I mean a very small amount of english. But he wanted to practice with us. So we tried to talk with him some. It worked, to an extent. But he knew a lot more than I thought he could. At least more than I could speak in spanish!

Then on our second walk we didn't get to as many homes, but I met some great people. One of them was Rosa. She is a nurse. I am confused with what she was trying to tell me, but sounds like she is finishing her studies. Things are different there compared to U.S. so I wasn't understanding very much of how she was explaining it. But I am going with that she is a nurse! She has 2 wonderful girls. She told us of her life so far and where she got to today. It is amazing what I hear when talking with them and the hardships they have gone through, or are going through and still remain positive. Still love life. I need to take their example and stop having pity parties on myself. Her smile and positivity was so contagious!

James 1:2-3

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.


Friday, August 12, 2022

Journal entry 9: Sunday 7/17/22

Today is a nice day to relax. We sent off Heather, she only stayed for week one, and we are waiting for team 2 to show up. While we waited for them, we went out to lunch at the buffet. It is next to the gas station. They had really good food. And we can pick what we want which is a plus! After we ate, we found out they have a patio in the back with a flower garden. So of course we had to go check it out.  And when we got out there, they had peacocks! Lots of them! It was pretty cool to walk around with them. They let us go up to them but not touch them. But still neat to be close to them and see their beautiful colors. Walking through their garden, it was pretty amazing. There were plants taller than me! 

Then of course we had to go see Yoly at work! We couldn't let her get by without us having her check us out at the grocery store. I am sure she was embarrassed. 9 of us waiting in her line to be checked out! She knows we love her!

We went to church tonight at Antioquia. It was great finally seeing everyone again. It is like this every year. A family reunion. Lots of hugs. The church doesn't have any walls or roof, that is what the guys are going to do this week! Thank God answered our prayers and kept the rain away. As soon as we started to hear thunder in the distance, I was praying hard. And my prayer, and I'm sure others prayers too, were answered. The rain held off until we got back to the hotel. Then it was like a monsoon! 

I am really enjoying my time with Luis and Meily. It seems like we have had more time this trip, than before at the other trips, to really talk. Kenia came in today. I haven't seen her in 3 years. We have a lot of catching up to do!

1 John 4:19

We love because God first loved us



Journal entry 8: Saturday 7/16/22


Today is travel day. We are leaving LaCampa to go to Tela. We left the mountains to go to the coast. It was a long day of driving. Funny how just sitting and driving can make you tired, when you do nothing. But we made it. I can't complain, because at least the hotel has air! The pastor we are working with and his family came by to have dinner with us. It is always great to see them. And it is going to be great to work with them again. Tomorrow is a free day and we are going out to lunch somewhere. It is early, 8 pm, and I am ready for bed! I need to take these few off days to rest up because next week is going to be a busy one!

Hebrews 4:9-11

There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Journal entry 7 Friday 7/15/22


I have been hearing a lot about our prayer walks, how hard it is to talk to others, How intimidating it is or feelings of of fear. But in this verse in Romans 1:16, it says that the gospel is the power of God. 

I have some free time, counted and inventoried the meds and supplies in place of going to the children's ministry today. The guys are at the construction site. I am alone, in my thoughts and work. I have missed this alone and quiet time. Even though I am working, it is good to have the silence in my thoughts. When I was done, I got a text from Meily asking me if I had lunch and she recommended the restaurant across the street from our hotel. I was not going to do anything but eat some peanut butter I had brought but thought that since she recommended it, and she was from Honduras, that I would do it! She really  had to twist my arm on this! So I ventured out to go across the street. It was kinda stressful, because I don't speak spanish and I had my trusty translator app in hand. I was seated and trying to figure out how I was going to order some food, I met a lady who is from Florida there. She actually lives there! I was struggling with ordering with my translator app and this kind lady spoke up and helped me order. I was shocked. I heard English!

So speaking with her, she is from Florida, a professor on sabbatical, and her and her husband have been coming to this area for over 10 years. They loved it so much that they are building a house here and come here every year. How amazing to meet someone at the right time, right place. Well nothing is impossible with God. I was able to talk with her about what our team is doing and about the local church in that area and invite her.

Philippians 2:3 tells us to do nothing out of self ambition, but to have humility and value others above yourself. In Verses 5-11, with our relationships with one another, we are to have the same mindset as Jesus.

Be intentional and aware of those around you.

Romans 1:16; For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.


Journal entry 6 Thursday 7/14/22


I was able to get up out of bed today! Praise God. We had our second medical clinic in Los Pozitus today. We saw about 90 people! Today we were reminded to be flexible. It seems this is the theme, especially when we are working for God and the enemy doesn't want it work out for the good. When we got there, the pastor thought we were coming tomorrow! So he told everyone in that community that the clinic wasn't until Friday. But we were able to get the word out to them and they came. We had the clinic at the pastor's house! Right in front of his door. This community is for the new church plant. Hopefully we will be able to start building this church this year and finish next year so he can start to pastor in that community. Pharmacy was in their bedroom. We just pushed the beds to the side. We had many visitors other than people, dogs, chickens, ducks! And today was baby day! I love getting to hold them and love on them. She is so cute, her name is Anna. I also got to meet a man, Celestino. He is the father of the pastor and is 90 years old! He was so full of life and entertaining. He had great stories. After I saw him, he asked for us to pray for him, so some of us gathered and prayed over him.
I did get a few hours of school work in. today. I thought I would have time in the evening to get this done, but have not been able to. We have been busy. The guys are working on the Ruben house expansion and it is looking really good! They are working so hard this trip and look so tired when they come in but they are doing a great job. 

Colossians 3:23-24
"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."


Monday, August 1, 2022

Journal entry 5: Wednesday 7/13/22


It is kids day today!! We had a good day. Our team went to San Cristabal. It is a small town by Mezcallio. We had 33 kids! They were such a joy! It didn't matter what we did, they were smiling and laughing and it was so contagious. I think the games of hot potato and markalor was a hit!

After VBS with the kids, we went on a prayer walk throughout the community there. Some of the homes we went to visit, one lady said her husband is in the states and sending them money. She has 6 kids. That has to be hard to do this alone with your husband so far away. A lot of families are like this. Maybe not in the states but some husbands are in different cities just to find jobs. Her kids were at our VBS and we recapped the story of Saul/Paul. They were able to answer all our test questions! haha. But what was great, was that their mom was listening. (at least I think she was at the time).  An older son came in and he sat and listened to the end of us talking about the story. She was getting the witness from her kids. And seeing how excited they were. We prayed over her and asked for blessings and to her and her family. I didn't think that she was really listening, or that she really took interest in our talk. But Heather felt compelled to give her hug. She asked if she could and the mom just shrugged her shoulders ok. But what happened next was God moving. As Heather hugged her, this mom embraced Heather. Tight. For a while. She needed this touch. This love that only God could send through Heather. 

I am so glad we were able to be there for her, to show her this love and support. As we were leaving, this family asked if they could take a picture with us. This is the second time this week that someone asked for our picture!! and of course we said YES! But only if we could get one too!

Today lifted our spirits. To see and feel that we are helping others even with it only being a touch, a word, a prayer.

Well, we had to rush back to base camp to get ready for our women's ministry. We had 30 women attend. I like this ministry. We are able to sit with the women of the community and church and love on them and give them attention that they don't get enough of.

I am going to bed, worn out but happy and filled.

John 15:9-17  "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.  My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Journal entry 4 Tuesday 7/12/22

Today started out ok. I am beginning to realize how I like my quiet tie in the morning. I have to get used to being around so many people in the morning and so much stimulation before I can get myself together can really put me in a mood. I am sure I will survive (and the others as well!). We had our first medical clinic today in Monqueto. We saw 155 people. I wasn't expecting that many in this area. Margareto and Ellena helped out. Thank goodness for them! I could not have done it without them. They are 2 local nurses who work and live in LaCampa. Margareto is going to be the new pastor of the Cruz Alta church. I would have drowned if they didn't volunteer to help and it surely would have been a long day. 

Today was a first for me. One of the kids I was checking on asked me to take a picture with him! I usually am the one asking for a picture. But today at our morning devotional, I was reminded that when we do this, it is putting others as spectacles. As a prize of something I have done, not God. So I am trying not to do this. I am here for them, to help them. and if I wouldn't do this at home, I surely do not want to do it here. This is my second home! BUT, I was so honored to take a picture with him. I hope that when he looks at it, he remembers our conversation, our meeting and of Jesus's love. He gave me joy this day.

I was able to have a good conversation with the pastor of their church today. He said it wa a good turnout and received many prayer requests. At lunch, the pastor and his family made lunch for the clinic team. It was really good, all of it was really good. They had fresh avocado that was really good too. I was told later that maybe we shouldn't have eaten that. oh well, I will find out soon if I shouldn't have eaten it!

After the clinics, we were able to take a little time to walk around time, so we did what we always do with down time in LaCampa, GO SEE REINA! And yes, of course, I bought pottery. I said I wasn't going to get a lot this year, but I just can't help myself. Now I have to figure out how to get it all home! I was able to meet Reina's husband this year. He is a very sweet man. He knows a little english and is pretty funny. We just missed Gerson. He had to go back to school in Gracias a few days before we got there. Then while we were visiting, she gave us coffee, of course! Can't have a visit with her without coffee! 

Then after dinner, we had to recount the medications for the clinic to ensure we had enough for the next clinic. Jen and I were able to get all the trunks packed once again and ready for the next clinic. 

John 14:6 Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the light. No one comes to the father except through me.
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this way- while we were sinners Christ died for us.


Journal entry 3: Monday 7/11/22


I was able to get out of bed this morning! I wasn't sure if my back would survive the med trunk inventory, but it did. It only took us about 3 hours, but we got them sorted. Today, when we get back to base camp, we will be sorting and packing vitamins. Right at this moment at 3:30 pm, we are stranded in Cruz Alta waiting for the rain downpour to slow up. We just made it back in time to the church from our prayer walk in the community before it started. We were able to visit with 3 families during our walk and talk with them about the church and God. Some of the places we went, we really had to mountain climb! The member from the church that went with us made Jen a walking stick.  I should have had him make me one too! 
We were finally able to get back to base camp once the rain slowed. It is going to be a muddy wet day tomorrow for the clinics. We were able to get all the adult and chewable vitamins packed thanks to the team coming together to help. We were not able to get the prenatals bagged. It is getting late and everyone was getting grumpy! lol. So we decided to wait to do those.
I pray that the clinics go smooth and God works through my hands and words.

John 10:10- I have come that they may have life and have it to the fullest.
Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from works so that no one can boast
Romans 3:23- For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.


Saturday, July 30, 2022

Journal entry 2: Sunday 7/10/22

 We went to church today and Pastor Rick preached with the help of our interpreter. Ruben and Rosalina came! It was great to have them there. It felt like church here in the states when you sit with your family.  Luis and Wendy also came. So glad I got to meet her. She is so sweet. I got to see a lot of friends I haven't seen in a year, Olympia, Antonio and his wife and found out Indira is back!!

After church, we went to the Ruben House for lunch. Yummy shrimp fried rice. We got to visit with Ruben and Rosalina. They are doing so much better. The therapy that they get is helping them so much. 

THEN...we surprised Luis and Wendy with a wedding party! They got married in June and we were not able to attend, so we had our own party.  That's just how we do it! They were so surprised. The team had brought gifts for them and we got cake, which was so yummy! I am so happy for him. He deserves all the best. 

Once we headed back to base camp, and had dinner, the team went to the church to show the Jesus film. Jen and I stayed back to take med inventory. This is the worst part of medical clinics....inventory. It takes so long and we have so many meds. 

Satan has been working hard on the team to keep us from getting here and going out. All I have to say is GET BEHIND ME!! We must be doing something good for the enemy to try to sabotage it. But we will overcome. 

Acts 1:1-8: Be ready to do the unexpected. Get out of your comfort zone. Share your witness. Take Jesus with you.


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Journal entry: day 1, Saturday 7/9/22


We started off with a bang! Our flight was cancelled and moved from Friday to Saturday, so we lost a day.

We flew in Saturday and traveled all day and arrived at the hotel at 8;30pm...after dark! One member of our team fell coming out of the church when we left for the airport and fell. We thought she twisted her ankle, and all the way to Honduras, her foot hurt. So when we arrived, Greh had me look at it. He said he wanted my opinion if I thought she needed x-rays. I was so nervous. I kept thinking about the time Erin broke her arm when she was 6 and I didn't think she did.  She never lets me forget!!

Well...I followed my gut and said to send her to the hospital. The x-ray showed that she had broken her foot!! And the doctor said it was pretty bad so he recommended her go back home to the states. He said she may need surgery! Greg and Jean stayed with her and was able to get her back on the plane Sunday. 

Oh, I can't forget about what happened to me in customs in Honduras. Yes, you guessed it.  I got detained once again for my meds trunks!! It took us over an hour to get through and get them to approve, despite us having the documentation.

But, the lady working the search was so nice and considerate. Not threatening at all. I am sure she saw how stressed I was! 

We all were so tired after we got to base camp. I couldn't believe it, but I got so car sick. I never get car sick. Probably that frappe I had at the airport!


Friday, July 8, 2022

Countdown….8 hrs


8 more hours and we leave. I will be in the air headed back to LaCampa. I am so excited as well as the team. It has been a rough time getting prepared for this trip. I know we will be doing so make great things because anytime there is something trying to make our plans fail, they always exceed more than we expected. Please pray for our team, for those we meet and for us to help and heal those at the clinic. 

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! 


Thursday, July 7, 2022

blessings in disguise

 So Monday was not a good day, but one I was able to sit and redirect my mind, I was able to see the blessing that was given to me. Our plane was delayed and we are not leaving until Saturday now. At first I was like, what else!!! Then I was reminded that I was just given one more day to prepare for packing and to leave. I have one day at home to relax. So when things don't go your way, look and see if there is a blessing in it. 

Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.


Monday, July 4, 2022



I'm trying, so hard. You know when the enemy knows you are about to do something good, he attacks. I have been attacked so much this past 2 weeks that I almost feel beaten down. 

The devil has been telling me that I am not going to make it. That I am running behind. And then he fills my days with busy work where I cannot get the things that I need to do done. I had to work this weekend, 7 days in a row, due to some issues at work. I am ok with that normally, but I need to prepare for the trip this week. We leave this weekend and I haven't even packed!!! But when the enemy tells you that you are not going to make, then that means THAT YOU REALLY WILL! What he tells you is the opposite of what usually is happening.

I am who God says I am.  I may not be perfect, but he calls the inadequate.  He calls you to do something where you are weak. So his GREATNESS can shine! You have gifts. Your gifts that God see's may feel like a weakness to you, but it is a strength for God. The devil cannot ungift you, but he tries to disable you in how you think. 

This year has been another rough one for me and my house. I have survived the past, and will get through this tough time. So I keep telling myself, I can do this. God is on my side!

So update on our trip. We are leaving saturday now. Our flight got cancelled Friday and moved to Saturday!! This changes our schedule some, but not much. Please pray for our clinics. We will have them, well planned for, on 7/12 and 7/14, 7/19 and 7/21. The rest of the time we will be doing ministry work with the communities and kids. I continue to prepare my heart and mind for what is in store for us. There may be detours, but we will complete what God wants done!

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging." Psalms 46:1-3


Monday, May 30, 2022

It's about that time...


Yup, it's about that time. Time to start packing. I know we don't leave for another 5 weeks, but I have a lot of packing, re-packing, then re-packing one last time.  You laugh. Well I want to make sure that nothing is left behind. I am packing for our medical clinics and then for myself.  I have 5 trunks of supplies for the clinics plus one suitcase! I may have another trunk but it depends on if we get any meds to pack.  So far we are getting our medications in Honduras this year.

I am struggling with feeling let down for our team. I so want our mission to grow, but I feel that this is not what God has in mind. Our medical team has not grown since we started. It has been me with a few others coming and going. I hear you say, trust God, and I do. 

But God, He does AMAZING THINGS.  Especially with us that are weak. And I am weak minded and have to remind myself that I can't do this alone. I look back and see all that he has done through our clinics. We have seen over thousands of people since starting the clinics. That is all those who came through our doors were witnessed to God's love. And some even accepted Christ. 

So when my mind starts to doubt, I just remember, GOD'S GOT THIS! And he has a bigger plan. Even if it is for the one that is lost, that is our mission. To save the lost. 

Mark 11:22-24 - And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

My testimony


I feel pushed, nudged, or whatever you want to call it, from God to give my testimony.  This has been on my mind during my alone time and I keep fighting it. And you know what happens when you try to ignore something that God tells you.... He gets louder. I think someone needs to hear this and I am not sure who. So this post will be here and on my other everyday blog as well.
This the sermon version!

I grew up in the church. Sunday mornings, Sunday nights and Wednesday night church. AND anything in between. The rule at my house was if you are well enough to go out on Saturday night, you can get up for church on Sunday morning! So I did. And that is how I met my hubs! But that is a different story. Lets not get sidetracked!

I was baptized at 8 yrs of age. I don't think I knew what it met. Well, I know I didn't really know, but I knew I wanted to take communion with everyone else. I feel like that I went through the motions. I knew what it meant to be a Christian and I believe that Jesus is my Lord, but I didn't know what it meant to follow Jesus. It wasn't until later in my life that I learned this.

So over the years I started to move away from church. I felt it was more "fun" to go out. So I indulge myself in a not so good life. I am sure people will think they are mild compared to some, but for me it was not who I wanted to be. I stopped going to church and praying. I stopped reading my bible. I felt so alone. It took me trying to have a family and the struggles with infertility to get me back on the road with God. We had to go through so much for 6 years to just get to the point of having our children. It was a long road and the hubs was so supportive through all the emotional ups and downs. But I had to learn to trust God and his timing. This is where I learned patience. I had to wait so long. I prayed so hard. Looking back, I can see God working through me. I am NOT saying that God did this to me. This is just something that happened and God used this to work a wonder in me and soften my heart. Throughout our trials, we have to lean more on Jesus to get us through them. This is where we grow more in our faith and trust.

After having twins, I feel I grew closer. I started attending church again. I was growing my relationship with God and our family was growing in Christ. Our home was peaceful and throughout the ups and downs that came at us, we were able to handle them. Like when we tried  our fertility treatments again only to not have it work. Having God say no is hard. Even when I wanted more kids, but God knows the plans he has for us and I just have to trust. Little did I know that this was for the best and not in my plans to have more children. But I still cried.

Then at age 44, I got the news that I had breast cancer. This is where I truly learned faith. This is my faith testimony. I had to put all my trust in God to heal me. I had to trust the doctors to help me. This was way out of my hands. I had NO CONTROL. and I didn't like it. It was so scary. I was faced with death. Well maybe not death, but when you hear the word cancer, that is the first thing you think of: dying. Then once I was able to get over that shock and start treatments and figure out what to do, I had to deal with the side effects of the treatment. That was another roller coaster of faith and leaning on God to help me. THEN...I had to go through radiation. This was yet another. I had to lay half naked on the table for 15 minutes while I was being scanned with radiation. While the rad tech watched me. Yet again, another road of faith and leaning on God to get me through it all.  

During this time, a one year journey, I prayed hard, got on my knees a lot, and looked for answers in the bible, worship songs and through teachings of pastors to help me understand. I could feel my faith and trust grow. I could feel peace that I never felt before. It's weird, because I hear people say that and never understood until then. 

It has been 10 years since my cancer and I can say that I am still on this journey. I have ups and downs as anyone would. Heck, we are human. but we are children of God. Forgiven. So don't be so hard on yourself.

The interruption you are going through in life gives you the opportunity to pause and rethink. It is not a one time event to place your faith in Jesus. This is a something you do everyday. In Luke 9:23, Jesus looks at his disciples and tells them, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it."


Friday, April 22, 2022




Preparing for a presentation of our mission team, I have been looking through old pictures of my trips, but also of pictures of trips before me.  Looking at our team's history, it is rich in so much love through the work that we do.
    It all started in 1969, with a couple from Ballardsville Baptist who went to Honduras. Then ever since, they have gone and taken others with them. This grew into a group going to build churches, schools, homes, and anything else that is needed. This was done through 2016, when we started the medical clinics.
    Now, our team has so much to offer. We still have construction, and medical clinics, but show the Jesus film, have a community movie night at one of the local churches, women's ministries and children's VBS ministries.  It is a lot of work, but worth it. We see how we help others and show them love through all these different avenues. 
    I am so excited about our trip this year. We didn't have clinics last year, and we are going back to them this year. I can't wait to see who I will meet and who God places in our path.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9


Feeling prickly

  It has really been a tiring last 2 days.  Yesterday was a long day of travel. I finally got home at 1:30 am! We left Mexico at 5:45 am! It...