Sunday, November 14, 2021


 It's time to get our informational meeting with others! I am so excited because this is when everyone comes out to get more information on our trip and about our team. We get to speak to what we are doing for God's plan and what God has done through us.  

Our meeting is Monday night. One more day. 

Please pray for our team and those considering joining our team.

Isaiah 6:8; Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Planning time!

I am in the planning mode! Our team met this week and we are planning our 2022 trip! I am so excited. We will be going in July. We are still planning what our trip will entail. We have talked conducting medical clinics along with our community service of prayer walks, childrens and womens ministries. 

A lot into planning this and getting all the requirements in place. We rely on our partners in Honduras to help us out on that end in the country. We do what we can from our side in the US. It is a lot of work, but worth it. It was so good to see our partners in person and plan together. It seems like chaos right now but it always comes together in the end.

I just can't explain the feeling that I have. This feeling of love that warms my heart when I think about what we have done to help those in Honduras. It was reported that one of the communities we were in for 2 days doing children and women's ministries and going door to door to pray for those in the community had a big impact. Since we have left, the attendance at that church has grown. This is a reminder that you plant seeds and may not see them grow, but the seed is planted.

Pray for our team as we plan ahead and that we are able to hear what God wants us to do. That we see the doors open and have the courage to walk through.

Pray for those thinking about being a part of our team and give them the courage to take that step in faith.


Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. Isaiah 25:1

Monday, August 9, 2021

faith over fear

 Have you ever been afraid to follow through when you feel God tugging at you to do something? I do a lot. I am remembering during our women's ministry in Mezcallio and our leader in charge got sick. We had to all come together to do it. Which meant I had to speak.  In front of a crowd of people. You would think that this would be easy for me since I talk a lot! But speaking in front of people in a formal setting is not my first choice. But I did it. I started the introduction and then handed off to one of my teammates to lead the story line, and another to lead us in music and worship.  

Sometimes you just got to know that you are not alone and you do not have to do it all by yourself.  

Well, thinking back to this day, there were so many things God was showing me that I am just now realizing. Ruben's sister showing up. That was huge! I am so glad that God placed me and our team at her house the day before so we could talk with her and invite her to our women's day. Seeing all those kids show up! They thought we were back for them for more kids ministries. Did we turn them away? What do you think?? NO. We sat with them and colored with them. I enjoyed seeing their faces when we gave them the whole bag of crayons to use. You see, since we have so many kids, we usually can only give them 2-3 crayons and they have to share. So to see them using the whole bag and sharing, that was the best. To see their expressions and smiles digging through the bag.

God calls us to do different things, and sometimes he calls us out of what we know into something different. Will I be doing medical clinics again? I am sure of it, just not sure of the timing. But I know that whatever it is, I will be there, faith over fear, doing what I am called to do.


Monday, July 26, 2021

Looking back

I'm home and still trying to get my bearings from being gone. Getting the house together, work, gym (or lack of gym time!) and just trying to wrap my mind around our trip and all the experiences God has given us.

 Looking back at my trip and all the others, I can see how God is working his plan. Here is just one way God is working. 

Let me take you back to 2016, Mezcalilio.  My first medical clinic and it was me and a local nurse seeing all the people that needed help. One of the people I saw that came to my table was a young lady that had a daughter that needed help. She described her illness as "fits". The little girl had a fever and looked sick. There was not anything I could do for her, and the way she described her fits, it sounded like seizures. Luckily for us, the local doctor was in his office that day, so we instructed her to go down the road to his office to be seen.  When I see patients, I am not sure if I am going to see them ever again. I just pray that they will be healed and for God to look after them. 

Moving to 2017: our second year with clinics in Mezcalilio. This year, instead of being at the school, we had our clinic at one of the local ladies house in her carport. It was an experience. This was also the year that our team met Ruben. He was a sick 18-19 yo young man, waiting to die from his injuries from a gunshot wound. Some of our team went to treat him, give medications and wound supplies and witness to him about Jesus. We gave him a bible. Our team that is over there in that area, followed up with him after we left to continue to give him care and teach him about the Bible. 

Over the next few years, Ruben has been getting treatment and getting better with therapy. We continued to witness to him and he accepted Christ as his savior. A foundation was made and the Ruben House was started. Ruben was the first patient. He receives therapy and medical care while there and he is working hard. 

Now to 2021: Ruben has some independent function of his hands and arms to brush his hair, eat, read books etc. He is starting to get therapy to strengthen his legs. He went that Sunday we were there to the church we built in his home community to give his testimony. His family came to hear what he had to say, and only God knows if they heard what he said and if it touched them. 

Even though we were not doing medical clinics, I was asked to go see a young girl that hurt her shoulder and wanted my opinion if she needed to go to the doctor. We went to her house, and I saw the little girl, which looked like she dislocated her shoulder.  She had a seizure, and fell and hit her shoulder on the corner of her bed. (is this starting to sound familiar??) Well, come to find out that this is the little girl I saw in 2017 with seizures. And she was diagnosed with seizures and was getting treatment. ALSO, her mom is Ruben's sister!!!! What???!!!!! I know. It is crazy how God works and you don't even know what is going on until the puzzle pieces start to take shape. And she came to our women's ministry event the next day. I pray for her and that her heart is softened to hear and accept Christ. 

This is just one example. I have a lot more. God does amazing things, if we will only trust and obey. And open our eyes to see the little things we do add up to the bigger things.

WE plant the seeds and GOD waters it. In his time. I thank God that he has shown me the fruit of our labors and our witness. We don't always see this and only trust that God will take it further for his plan.

Romans 8:11; "The spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you."


                                                    2017 medical clinic

2021 La Casa de Ruben: (The Ruben House)

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Test day

 So, part of traveling internationally is that to return to the US you have to have a negative covid test. That means you have to get one in the country you are in. To get here, all I needed was to show my vaccination card. But now I have to get a test. The problem is that I have never had to be tested before so I was dreading this all week. I didn’t want that stick up my nose poking my brain, let alone both nostrils. 

But I did it. I got poked. And guess what? I survived. I’m such a baby! And my test came back negative. Which is good because I can now go home. Which I am happy because I miss my family. But I will be going back to all the stress and daily things of life- work, housework, having to drive myself!(I like be drove around!) 

While waiting for our test results, we hung out at the Ruben House. Well, come to find out Rosalina makes these amazing embroidery linens. They are so beautiful! And she was selling them! So guess what? Yup, I bought some! (I’m going to try to talk my mom into making me a quilt with one of them as the center piece when I get home!). The miracle of this is that she has a disability where she doesn’t have a lot of function in her hands. But she is still able to do this and a lot of other things as well! At the Ruben house, she makes these linen squares as a means for her work. 

Also while we were there, Jen had bought some of the Zox bracelets and was giving them out. We had Rosalina and Ruben pick one out as well as Rosalina‘s mom and Ruben sister. Then we got a picture of all of our bracelets on our wrist. What caught me by surprise was when me, Jen and Ruben were taking a picture of our bracelets, Ruben placed his hand on mine.  I just felt like he is breaking through to knowing how much we love him and support him through all this. Rosalina, is a very quiet lady. But I found out today that she made a connection with one of our team members and asked for a picture with him! She is seeing our love for her as well. 

I am already anticipating next year. We will return and do it over again. Reunited with friends, making new ones. Seeing their children growing up. Leading people to Christ. Healing them physically and spiritually. 

I have learned these last 10 days that:

  1.  I do have courage 
  2. I can have fun
  3. I can do more than I think
  4. I will survive those times when I am scared
  5. I am loved more than I think
  6. Never underestimate what a simple word or smile can do 
Proverbs 31:25 “She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future”


Friday, July 16, 2021

Last day of ministry

 Well ministry really isn’t over because we should be doing this everyday, but we are finished with the ministry programs in LaCampa as of today. It went by so fast. 

I got to thinking about my devotion from yesterday and how Satan has gotten me so distracted with busyness that I have not taken care of myself mentally, physically and spiritually. Funny how when you are taken away from all of those things that make you busy, you can see more clearly. I fee I can see more clearly after this week of just letting go.  It can be so freeing.

I have had so much fun this week with the kids. Yesterday we had 82 in Mataras and today we had 60 in Mataras de Caiquin. Playing the games along side of the kids was fun. We played hot potato and markolor game. I think when they saw us playing with them , they started to have more fun. I tried to win but I’m not that flexible or fast for the markolor game. The hot potato game, I think the kid next me cheated. That’s all I’m saying about that! 

They love to color too! I think they wore down our crayons to the nub! I think we colored more things this week and handed out stickers everywhere. Even the older kids got into it. 

We also got to walk around town and visit with our local friends. Met up with one of the kids that use to hang out with us until he got to old too! Haha. He is now in school to be a police officer. So exciting for him. We are so proud of how far he has come. I know he has a proud mom too! 

Then we met up with our friend Reina. She has the pottery shop. I know I already got some but guess what?? I got more! We shared some coffee and got caught up from the last 2 years. It is so comforting to know she is doing well throughout this pandemic. 

I think this is what Heaven is going to be like. That everyone we have friendships with or those we have witnessed to and have come to Christ, no matter where they are from, we will all be together. And the best part, we will be able to talk without any language barrier. What a wonderful time that will be! 

If Jesus was to return today, do you know that you will go with him? 

Romans 10:9-10 says:

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 for it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Devotion: crazy call of God

 Joshua 1:9

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

God calls us to do things that doesn’t make sense. Sometimes you may think it is ridiculous. I know I may hear something in my inner voice telling me to go talk with someone or pray with them and I’m thinking “No, that’s crazy” ! Abraham had faith in God. God had given him some crazy words and things to do. He told Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. Abraham trusted that promise and at 100 years old he became a dad to Isaac. But later on, we read where God tested him and asked him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham obey God and went on the journey to sacrifice Isaac. But did you catch the faith verse Abraham said to his servant in Genesis 22:5? “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. WE will worship and then WE will come back to you“. Abraham knew God would provide the offering for the sacrifice.

If God asks you to do something and you say no to God, he will not allow you to move forward until you do what it is he ask of you. Remember Jonah? You can’t skip the process and go straight to the finish line with the plan God has for you. You must take those baby steps first and grow in mature before God gives you another task in his plan. God knows what he is doing. He is taking us throughout our day and developing us. It won’t be any public announcement of what you have accomplished or what you are doing so others can hear. There is a process of preparation that God wants us to walk through before we go publicly so you can be effective. 

Picture a bike wheel. At the center, all the different spikes come together. The center holds all the spokes in alignment and helps the bike move forward. This is a picture of our life. Do you know what is at the center of your life?

I struggle talking with people. Believe it or not, I was scared to talk with Ruben. I was not sure what to say. I don’t know why. But everyday God is leading me and answering my dangerous prayer of “send me” and “more of you and less of me”. God’s ridiculous request of me takes courage. Once I obey and follow those requests, they don’t seem so ridiculous. 

God always gives me the words to say at the right time. Every time I obey, God is growing me and using me more. One of those ridiculous times was when God said, “Autumn, you will help lead medical clinics in Honduras”   I think, wait I know, I laughed out loud, just like Sarah did when God told her she would have a baby at 90! 

But God trained me in nursing and guides my career for a time as this, to be prepared for this, even though I didn’t feel adequate to do it. Satan knows our insecurities and he uses those to keep us down, to distract us and keep us from what we are to do. What lies do you believe that keep you from doing what God asks you to do? 

Remember, we are not labeled by our past. Satan cannot control us. You are a child of God, chosen, forgiven and loved. You are never alone. 

Romans 12:2; Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. 


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

A day with the ladies

 Today we had a day with the ladies of Mescallio. We had 24 ladies and 19 kids show up at the church. It was an amazing time of fellowship. We had a lesson out of the book of Esther. About how she used her beauty to help save her people. And how we can use our talents to do what God calls to do. 

We had music and sang some songs and did a craft. We gave the kids some coloring pages and a bag of markers. I think they were excited because they had the whole bag of markers and not just given 2 colors to use! I don’t think they moved and we didn’t hear a peep from them. 

The ladies made beaded bracelets. We had a crown charm to remind them that they are daughters of King Jesus. While they were busy putting them together, some of us baby lovers held the babies so they could have some “adult” time! Even if it was only for a few minutes. I love when I get to play with the babies. They are so good. And so curious. 

Afterwards, we got to talk and get to know some them. I saw some familiar faces from the church and from our community prayer walk. I was so glad to see them come from our invitation. 

Gloria is also amazing. She is leading the church until they can get a pastor trained. She is committed to Christ and her community. It is so inspiring to see her do all that she does and still raise her family and grandchildren. 

Well we couldn’t get out of today with having a rain storm. And today we had some crazy rain. It is July and it rains a lot during this month. It rained hard enough to fill up the truck bed to where we could go swimming. I bet if we would allowed it, those kids would be jumping back there and playing in the water! I probably would join them! Haha

And I can’t get out of coming here with my ankles and feet swelling  And having bug bites! It looks very lovely! 

This week has been so filling that my heart overflows. And the week still isn’t over! I know I am here for them and to tell of Jesus love and salvation, but I get ministered to as well when I am here. 

Matthew 5:16 let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven  


Monday, July 12, 2021

Lacampa 2021

 This trip has been so good so far. We have done so many things in such a short period of time and still have a full week left. 

Saturday we arrived at the Ruben house. It is a rehab house where pts can live and get the rehab they need. They just have a family member willing to stay and help care for them. They have 2 patients, Rosalina and Ruben. Ruben was the reason that this house was made. I can tell you his story later. But we got to visit and have lunch with them and see their facility. It is beautiful. And we even had a macaw fly down into the trees! The Ruben house is doing so many good things. Ruben can now feed himself and brush his hair to make a few. He couldn’t do anything after he was paralyzed and made a quadriplegic. He now has a smile and a will to live. He gave his testimony in the church where he is from. When we met Ruben there wasn’t a church there and our team came back and we built one for them. 

Sunday we had church with the locals at Torre Fuerte. We were reunited with Pastor Emilio and his wife Marta. Also got to visit with some family/friends. They are our family here. Antonio and his wife and their new little one. Olympia and her family. 

Today we went back to Mescallio (where Ruben is from and where we had one of our first medical clinics) to have children’s worship. We had 33 kids. I think the best part of today was the game. We played head, shoulders, knees and maker. We all lined up in pairs and it was kinda like Simon says but we had to touch one of those parts when called out and when marker was called you had to be the first to grab it off the floor. It was so funny to see them play. 

After this we broke up into groups and went out to peoples homes. It was good to talk with them and pray for them. 2 of the homes where the kids that came to our children’s ministry. We got to talk with their parents and pray for them. One mom asked us to pray for her physically and spiritually. She said she feels so alone and down and doesn’t know what to do. We  encouraged her and talked with her about our personal experiences. I pray God can heal her. One of the ladies from the church was with us and she will pray and follow up with her. 

Me and Jen rode in the back of the trucks today. We felt it was our turn. We should have picked a different day. The ride to Mescallia is a hour on a dirt, holey, hilly, curvy road .  I am already paying for it. With back and hip ache and I think I have found muscles I didn’t know I had!

Well I have lots more to tell but it is late. More to come soon. 


Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021


 It’s that time. We will be leaving in 8 hrs. On the plane in 11 hrs to Honduras tomorrow! I am so excited!!! More to come and I will try to keep you updated , but I’m not sure how the web service will be. Sometimes not so good. But just know this, God is good all the time. He will guide us in his plan for what we need to do and say. 

Continue to pray for us and for us to stay healthy. Pray for the team, the people we meet so that what we say or do will touch them and show them what God’s love is about. And that they will touch our hearts as well. 

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! 


Sunday, June 20, 2021

a plan

 HA! I got you! We kinda have a plan but we don't.  In Honduras, we are told to BE FLEXIBLE! But at least we know where our team is going for our ministry and we have our children and women's ministry lessons planned! We are thinking we will reach at least 200 kids that week! Holy cow.  That's a lot of kids.

I am so excited to go back to Mescalillo!  This is where one of our first medical clinics were at, we helped build their first evangelical church and they just had their first wedding there this year! ANNNND....This is where we all met Ruben! He was the inspiration in getting the Ruben Rehabilitation House in Gracias started. And he lives there right now, doing so good. I am excited to see him once again. I have seen a lot of God's hand on this small town that is doing BIG things!

So, I need to start packing and looking at what to bring. The weather will be different there this time of year. We are used to seeing the VERY HOT weather, and in July it is rainy and cool. I need to find a rain jacket. And of course, you know I will be packing a medical bag ( a doctor bag for nurses!) a just in case, LOL. You just never know what will happen with our team...falling off ladders, cut hands, medical emergencies!

And I need to start getting my muscles built up because I may be riding in the back of the trucks on our trips! We will have 2 trucks for 17 people, this means 7 of us will have to ride in the back. 

It is an adventure:

1. trying not to fall out!

2. you can't many bumps and holes in the road causes too many bruises on your behind!

3. standing is the best option but then there is the dust from the road, and now it will be raining at times so the rain pelting us in our face!

4. we will look like bandits with our face coverings.

So I look forward to this new adventure, to learn new things, experience new things, experience God move in me and our team and seeing Him in the people we touch.

Pray for our team, for safety, health, our words and actions, and for God to move in the LaCampa area.

Our team always has a verse for each trip. This year it is 2 Corinthians 5:17

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!"



Thursday, June 10, 2021

July 9, 2021...we are leaving

 We are leaving!! I can't wait. Our team is going back to LaCampa. We will not be having medical clinics or construction, but will be doing evangelism. Going on prayer walks, children's ministries and women's groups. Showing the Jesus film and having a movie night one night at the church.

This is new to me and I am excited to see what God has in store for me as well as our team. What am I expecting?? God to show up and show us what he can do!

I just need to get my butt in shape to hang out and keep up with the kids. I want to be able to play with the kids, get on their level and teach them. Yes I am (*cough, cough) 53, but I can still get it going in some kick ball!

I need to get my feelings in check in case I need to share with someone my personal statement of faith and love I have found in Jesus through my trials. I never realized how much a testimony can have an impact until I gave mine one year about my faith walk. Once I was finished giving it, I found out later that one of the ladies in our group was dealing with cancer and her faith being tested during her trial. If I had not given my testimony, she would not have heard that she will get through this difficult time, God is with her and her faith grow from this.

It take courage to talk with others and open yourself up. 

I do not know what to expect. I stopped a long time ago trying to plan and have a schedule. It always seems that it changed. That is why we are told to be flexible. It never goes as planned. But I am looking forward to see what is in store for our team. I know it will be amazing and exciting!

Mark 16:15 ESV

"And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."


Sunday, May 16, 2021

It's a GO

 Well, it's a GO!! We are returning this July to Honduras. I am so excited but nervous at the same time. They are still fighting the covid battle much worse than we are here in the states. I just hope our team can send some love and happiness when we are there during this time for them.

We will not be having any medical clinics, so we are having to redo what we normally do when we go. So we will be just spending time with them in children and women's ministries. I am excited about this. I normally do not get to work with these ministries when we are doing the clinics. We will only be there for a week, but I am sure we will have a packed agenda to reach as many as we can.

Please pray for our team as we prepare. It is only 2 month away!! Pray for our hearts as we prepare, but for us to stay well and have safe travels. 

In order for us to go, we have to get a covid test 3 days before we leave and another one 3 days before we return in Honduras. I am not looking forward to this test! Not looking forward for that stuck up my nose!

So I have to repack and go through my suitcase from last year packing. God has in mind what he wants us to do for his plan. This year isn't medical clinics. So we have to be open, be flexible, be willing to do what HE asks of us.

Acts 13:47 states: "For this is what the Lord has commanded us, I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth."  I will go and do what I need to do. Am I perfect? No, but God can use me anyway. Despite my flaws, bad habits and anything else, I am loved and I know I am forgiven. I want others to know this as well. YOU ARE FORGIVEN.


Sunday, January 24, 2021

new plans!

 It has been a long time, but our team is finally making plans for a 2021 trip!! While these are just talks and pre-planning, I am so excited.  Looks like our trip may be different than the past trips for 2021 due to covid. But I am so excited that we are actually talking about a trip!

I am excited to see what God has in store for our team and for those in Honduras! Let the fundraising begin!  More to come.

Feeling prickly

  It has really been a tiring last 2 days.  Yesterday was a long day of travel. I finally got home at 1:30 am! We left Mexico at 5:45 am! It...